December 12, 2020
Listen to the full episode here.
1. Priorities.
Andrew Tarlow has a variety of different businesses under his umbrella. Though they are different types of businesses at their core they share the same priorities; they are employee driven and they look after their employees.
2. Being safe.
During the pandemic to keep his employees safe what Andrew has done is be super communicative with his team. Letting them know what they are thinking and planning, so that the employees have time to provide feedback. He is also preparing what if plans for when people get sick, basic cleaning and getting his businesses sprayed with an anti bacterial COVID spray monthly.
3. Keeping your staff and community safe.
In addition to those safety precautions, Andrew is also hoping to have a mobile testing van to come by his restaurant once a week. Providing free testing for not only his staff but for the community as well. This allowing people to know where they are and get more data, he also hopes the costs will be covered by insurance or the owner of the testing van.
4. The spray explained.
The spray being used by his businesses is not new, it is apparently used by hospitals, and what it does is spray on to surfaces and the microbials in the spray don’t allow the virus to stick onto the surface.
5. Putting your employees in charge.
Within his businesses Andrew has started a Equity and Inclusion Committee. The committee being allotted a certain dollar amount that they chose how to spend. The committee is run by a member of HR, so that he wouldn’t be the one in charge, and the committee is made up of employees from the various businesses.
Opening Soon Announcements: L’Industrie in Brooklyn, NY and Gertie in Brooklyn, NY has a new baker, Melissa Weller.