March 10, 2020
Listen to the Full Episode here.
David Kinch - Opening a restaurant is like a giant test made better if you grasp what a great opportunity it is. You have a chance to expand your experience and try new ideas, but also to embrace training and build a team for a shared vision and goal. For me, that is the most satisfying part of the whole equation.
1. The master plan.
Creating a plan can be extremely helpful during this process. For instance Chris developed something called the critical path, where all the steps were broken down and put into a calendar all necessary parties could see. This being helpful because they can work backwards from the time they have set to open.
2. Keep looking.
For their project Chris and John found the first contractor they worked with way over budget, so instead they looked for another and their second contractor was able to stay closer to budget because they had a lot in house, like people who could do HVAC and Mill work.
3. Waiting Game.
In terms of menu development not everything you want to serve may necessarily work in the kitchen you have. So be sure to wait and test everything in your finalized kitchen so you know it will work when the time comes to be open.
4. The needs of others.
Since Chris and John are building their restaurant from scratch, keeping in mind the needs of the people who will work there and ensuring that it will be a great place to work is a high priority. Making it a space where people want to work everyday helping to keep employees.
5. Ask.
Don’t be afraid to ask for a favor in terms of equipment. Companies that you have worked with in the past, and ones that have provided you equipment may be able to help you, like for example instead of buying new, buying second hand equipment.
Opening Soon Announcements: Congrats to these new restaurants, go say hi, have a bite and give a high five if they are in your city! Hawksmoor in New York City, NY and Sunday to Sunday in New York City, NY.