Can you give me a brief rundown of your "average" work day? (I know you probably don't have a normal work day, but as best as you can!)
My average workday starts at around 5am, workout, then head into Triniti. I bake in the early morning, then get the menu squared away and process all the produce either from the farmers market's or from our produce company. My first cook arrives, then we usually get through the "brunch" crowd, then fall into prep. I always have to step out and in between meetings, doing demo's or working on the new projects that we have going on. I'd say half of my day is spent teaching, then the rest is conceptualizing and costing menus and mood boards with my business partner. I try to wrap up the last meetings (and espresso's) by 4, then hit the different markets around La for some restocking and menu ideas. I usually end up cooking dinner with the wife after. Its more joyful to be able to eat dinner with the lady and maintain some real work/life balance that i haven't had the last 16 years of my career. This is the partial reason why i opened Triniti.
How would you describe your personal style?
I'm pretty monochromatic, and minimal because i have to dip in and out of the kitchen and meetings with varying people, I try to layer pieces that i can even wear on my day off. A lot of brands i enjoy are actually our guests or designers. I'm a fan of the new Mr.Porter line, John Elliott, etc.
How does your work play into that?
My work/Life balance has changed, so my style has changed also. I still work a station every day and Its not uncommon for me to work a 10-12 hour shift, then meet up downtown right from work for a laker game, or snag a weekday date night with the wife. I'd say my life balance has allowed me to wear nicer clothing, My closet isn't all aprons, t shirts and chef coats like it used to be.
One word you'd use to describe why you do what you do? You're more than welcome to explain why you chose the word, or just let it ride!
Sincerity, i've always enjoyed the direct and immediate satisfaction of cooking for a single person, then serving them. Its a push pull of selfish/sellfishness that i enjoy. with making what i want and serving someone.